V-Tuber Models

This is my newest hobby, i found v-tuber models to be very fun to make and its really pushing me to try new things and want to get better at it! I dream to one day be good enough at making models to do commissions. The thought that spending hours working on a model for someone to use and love instead of sitting in a file like they do now really helps motivate me to work even harder..


My most recent model, i made her to be a persona of myself a more stylish version that is. Her fashion was inspired by Korean street wear and some a little mix of anime school girl.


She was the second ever V-tuber model i made, like the first she has a lot wrong rigging wise but i also learned a lot form it. I wanted her design to be like a reckless child and made her stuffed lion because i was really interested in how i could make it dangle with the physic settings.


I call her leaf, she’s not a full model as i wanted to focus on face rigging. Her design was all on a whim all i knew was that i wanted her to have blue hair that fades!


This is my first ever V-tuber model, she has so many flaws with the rigging and drawing. But overall she was fun making and made me motivated to try again and make the next one even better!



